Don't Exercise Too Hard!
Originally uploaded by Legolam
Exercising seems to be my new 'thing.' I'm religious about doing it three times a week while I am at school. This is actually the first time in my life I've done anything about my fitness. The one thing that keeps me motivated to push myself a little further every time in my cardio is my workout music. So I thought I would share my motivating music:
Song title- artist
Bojangles [Remix]- Pitbull
Call On Me- Eric Prydz
Pile of Gold- The Blow
Hit That- M.I.A.
Lose My Waters of Naza(b)reath- The Hood Internet (download it free here)
Cool playlist!! Awesome that you're enjoying working out. Good for you!! I haven't been to the gym in forever!!
OMG I just LOVE that picture! Everyone should have that hanging up somewhere next to their exercise equipment.
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